VG_2 Kay Cousineau

BHCG Virtual Celebration / Gallery 2    

Virtual Gallery  

Virtual Gallery _Gallery 2/ Kay Cosuineau

Gallery 2 / Kay Cousineau

In this Gallery, you can tour a selection of rugs from Kay Cousineau.

Kay Cousineau. Photo: Ti Seymour

Kay Cousineau

From the moment I met Kay, I held the utmost respect for the way she cared for the longevity of BHCG and preserving its history. Though Kay is not rug hooking anymore, at 97 years old this October, she still wants to hear all our rug hooking news. She recently told me “The Guild provided the most amazing friendships and the camaraderie was excellent, everything else that happened there was just a bonus” and I could not agree more.
Ti Seymour - Past President

Kay joined the Guild in 1977, was president from 1978-1980, and remained actively involved in all BHCG activities until recent years

To find more about Kay on our Blog , please use the search tool in the top right corner.


Kay Cousineau. Crewel Cushion.

Crewel Cushion

I made this cushion while taking a course with Lois J. Morris, who provided us with the pattern, so several of us used the same pattern. I used both #3 and #4 cuts of wool and the hooking work is done in a way to resemble crewel work.


Kay Cousineau. Carved Victorian Rose.

Carved Victorian Rose

I did this rose while taking a workshop with Joan Boyle to learn shading and bevelling or carving techniques. I hooked it with #2 cut wool. It was shown in 1990 at our Guild’s 15th Anniversary Exhibition.


Kay Cousineau. Talisman Rose.

Talisman Rose

This rose, a Joan Moshimer design, was done during a course by Lois J. Morris. It was hooked mostly with #2- and some #3- cut wool, using an extremely fine hook, and the emphasis was put on the fine shading with a limited palette of colours.


Kay Cousineau. Carved Pansies.

Carved Pansies

I hooked this framed piece about 40 years ago while taking a course with Lois J. Morris. I drew the pansies from a picture. I hooked it through velvet using a carving technique with #3 cut. I went with Lois to the Frame-U store; we chose a frame with the exact same colour as the velvet background. It was displayed at the 1980 OHCG show.


Kay Cousineau. Flowered Rug.

Flowered Rug

The designer of this rug is unknown. Sheila Brokeloff from the Brockville Branch came to visit our Guild; she had the pattern and I copied it. The flower design is popular and is used in many designs. I hooked the background using a non-directional hooking technique (or higgledy-piggledy).

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