Show & Tell / Geometrics 2

BHCG Virtual Celebration / Blog: Show & Tel  

Rugs From The Past   

These pieces were exhibited prior to the 2017 Show. Use the label "Show & Tell" to see other rugs showcased in the past.

Special Show & Tell: Geometric Rugs # 2   

There is something mesmerizing about looking at a geometric rug; the longer we look, the more patterns we see in it. Geometrics are timeless with their roots in ancient civilizations and are seen not only in rugs but also in tilework, weaving, quilting, and artifacts. Colour, both hue and value, plays a vital role in how the pattern is perceived. The symmetry, repetition, and even stitching add to these geometric rugs’ soothing appeal.

Lois J. Morris. Santafe. Original 

Lois Morris

I made this piece for my daughter Claire, with the colours she wanted. The rug  mesures 58” x 20½” and is now in Alabama, where she lives.


East Ironbound + Squares. Judith Dallegret. Traditional quilting pattern

Judith Dallegret
East Ironbound + Squares
Traditonal quilting pattern

My East Ironbound rug is based on the traditional strip quilting pattern. I love geometrics as they allow me to use up my scraps and play with colour and values. The idea came to me while visiting a rug hooking friend on East Ironbound Island, NS. There, I was inspired by a glorious colourful wedding blanket, newly knitted in this simple pattern by a group of friends. It was blowing in the Atlantic wind on a clothesline. . . What a beautiful sight of colour! That next winter, while I was living in Paris, I hooked my East Ironbound rug with #8 and #9 pre-cut strips of scrap wool. It was exhibited and appears on Amy Oxford’s book cover of the Shelburne Vermont 2006 rug show.

Left to Right: Amy Oxford's Hooked Rugs Today 2006; Book Cover; 
Map with East Ironbound Island location


Maureen Rowe, Orange Peel. Traditional quilting pattern

Maureen Rowe
Orange Peel
Traditional quilting pattern

I did this piece with Judith Dallegret. She suggested I do this traditional type of rug. In the old days, when women didn't have access to patterns, they used a bowl to trace around. The way you place the bowl over and over creates a petal pattern that you see in this rug. I chose pinks, yellows and greens as those are the colours of my upholstered couch.


Marion Hood. Blest be the tie that binds. Old antique Nova Scotia pattern 

Marion Hood
Blest be the tie that binds
Traditional Nova Scotia pattern

This mat of twisted ropes is an old antique Nova Scotia pattern that my teacher Judith Dallegret gave me during one of the courses I took with her.


Jeanne Osler. Navajo Rug. A McGown pattern 

Jeanne Osler
Navajo Rug
A Pearl McGown and Jane McGown Flynn pattern (1126: Navajo)
Size: 26" x 42"

The Navajo textiles, created by Navajo people (USA), are mainly utilitarian woven pieces such as blankets and dresses, decorated with geometric patterns. There are of different styles and designs according to the region or town where they were produced. This McGown pattern seems to be a Toadlena / Two Grey Hills Design, for its distinctive large diamond-shaped medallion surrounded by four decorated corners and its plain or geometric border.

To learn more about the Navajo weaving, follow these links: 


Solomon Key. Sylvia Solomon. Original

Sylvia Solomon
Solomon Key

This rug is my own design. It measures 3ft X 6ft and I used recycled wool #5 cut.


Double Show & Tell !

This month we offer you a Double Show and Tell about Geometric Rugs.  
Follow the link: Geometric Rugs # 1 / Show & Tell Page

Show& Tell: Geometrics #1

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