Show & Tell / Sally Perodeau

In Memory of Sally Perodeau (October 10, 1933 to October 3, 2024) Respectfully submitted by Emmy Maten Sally Perodeau (1933-2024) We are saddened by the recent passing of one of our founding members, Sally Perodeau. In 1978, she joined the Guild which was just three years in existence at the time. Sally was keen to learn how to rug hook after being inspired by seeing a friend’s rug. She became a skilled rug hooker and made many fine and beautiful rugs, usually using narrow cuts of wool which allows more precision and detail. Sally was a wonderful organizer and was generous with her time and energy. She was the Guild President twice, from 1984-86 and again from 1997-98 and remained an active member until about 7 years ago. Our Guild member Jacqueline Bouchard helped Sally with her garden and has memories to share. “My precious memories of Sally are her culture, great family values and her love for beauty. Her garden was especially a source of joy to her every day, through the window whe...