Dye Course
Dye Course: Over 3 Mondays 10AM - NOON Nov. 19th, 26th, & Dec. 3rd. at Centennial Hall, Beaconsfield, QC Cost: Course: $90.00 + Materials: $60.00 = TOTAL: $150.00 Teacher : Lois Morris To register please contact Lois Morris, latest November 5th, via e-mail at: lomohook@bell.net or by phone at 450-834-6912 On Monday Nov. 19th students will participate in class. You will each receive a selection of 12 Cushing dyes and a Colour Chart. Day 1 : We will learn -- 2 ways to use onion skins, to dip dye, to spot dye, to paint brush dye, and how to remove colour. Students will take home a sample of each. Day 2 : We will dye an 8 value swatch. (wool pieces 3" x 9"). You will each take home a swatch. Day 3 : We will dye an 8 value transitional swatch (one that goes from one colour to another). Using a mixture of...