Hooked on the Mountains XVI

Time and Motion at GMRHG 16th Exhibition_

by Carolyn Ells

The Green Mountain Rug Hooking Guild held its 16th Hooked in the Mountains exhibit, November 10-17, 2012, at the Shelburne Museum in Vermont. Members of our Beaconsfield guild participated in various ways. Louise G. de Tonnancour exhibited the hooked portrait of her ancestor. It looked very distinguished amid the more than 450 hooked pieces of art on display. Judith Dallegret taught a 2-day "Design and Colour Planning" class and she gave a lecture on "Folk Art to Knit Bombing". Lin Watson also presented a lecture on "Mat Making in the UK". Several members visited the exhibit to admire and be inspired. Maria Romero and I, and one of our St Henri rug-hooking friends, made our trip down to Vermont on the last day of the exhibit. What did we notice first? The round barn exhibit space was heated this year!! We admired our favorite rugs, which won people's choice awards in last year's exhibition. Then, we moved on to the admission's counter and worked our way slowly through the 2 floors of exhibits. The work of the featured artists, Ann Winterling, Catherine Henning, and Elizabeth Guth, each held our attention for a long time. Of course, we found much to admire among the vendors' offerings: Maria bought wool for her next project and Carolyn bought some for her stash. On our drive home we recollected details of several of our favorite rugs and hope to see them again next year as people's choice winners.

Hooked in the Mountains XVI

Louise G. de Tonnancour exhibited the hooked portrait of her ancestor
Lin Watson presented a lecture

Follow the link to see the Photo Album: Hooked in The Mountains XVI 

Keywords: Green Mountain Rug Hooking Guild

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