Dye Course

Dye Course: Over 3 Mondays 10AM - NOON
Nov. 19th,  26th, & Dec. 3rd.
at Centennial Hall, Beaconsfield, QC
Cost:  Course: $90.00    +     Materials:  $60.00    =    TOTAL: $150.00

Teacher: Lois Morris

To register please contact Lois Morris, latest November 5th, via e-mail at: lomohook@bell.net
or by phone at 450-834-6912

On Monday  Nov. 19th students will participate in class.  You will each receive a selection of 12 Cushing dyes and a Colour Chart.
Day 1:  We will learn -- 2 ways to use onion skins, to dip dye, to spot dye,  to paint brush dye, and how to remove colour.  Students will take home a sample of each.
Day 2:  We will dye an 8 value swatch. (wool pieces 3" x 9"). You will each take home a swatch.
Day 3:  We will dye an 8 value transitional swatch (one that goes from one colour to another). Using a mixture of natural, white and (colored) textured wools.  You will take home a swatch.
N.B. (This swatch will contain white wool at each end and in the middle so that you will see the progression of colour from end to end and also you will see what happens when you overdye colored textured wools.)
Students:  Bring to class  --  a color wheel,  a note book and pen.  (some notes will be provided).

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