Christmas 2013

BHCG’s Last Hook-In of 2013_ By Denise Vandenbemden December 16, 2013 started bright and sunny, the snow sparkled like a millions diamonds on our way to the last hooking session of the year. In Centennial Hall we were welcomed by a jolly Christmas ambiance. Our co-presidents, Riita and Ti, wore Santa Claus hats and, along with the other committee members, were busy setting tables with items being sold by members, wool and hooking supplies for an auction and items for a raffle that were also donated by members. Christmas music and the scent of fresh brewed coffee along with a kitchen counter loaded with savories and sweets put everyone immediately into a festive mood. 2014 will be the year of preparation for the 40th anniversary of our Guild in 2015 and the piggy bank has to be supplemented to cover the cost of those festivities. After the raffle tickets were sold, Louise, our fantastic designated auctioneer, took over – offering and praising each item with humor and pan...