Show & Tell / Geometrics 1

BHCG Virtual Celebration / Show & Tel Page      

Featured Rugs Gallery      

In this Gallery, you can tour a selection of rugs from our last Exhibition, held in September 2017 at Centennial Hall. Visit our Blog to see the rugs showcased in the past.   

Show & Tell : Geometrics #1   

There is something mesmerizing about looking at a geometric rug; the longer we look, the more patterns we see in it.  Geometrics are timeless with their roots in ancient civilizations and are seen not only in rugs but also in tilework, weaving, quilting, and artifacts. Colour, both hue and value, plays a vital role in how the pattern is perceived. The symmetry, repetition, and even stitching add to these geometric rugs’ soothing appeal.

Sylvia Solomon. Squares in Circles, Original

Sylvia Solomon
Squares in Circles

My "Squares in Circles" rug is my own design. It measures 53" in diameter. It was hooked with #5 cut of mostly recycled wool and wool that I dyed. It was fun using lots of different colours and shades. 
It is the first time I have actually used a rug on the floor and it has worked out fine.


Dawna Matthew. Geometric, a traditionnal Quilting pattern

Dawna Matthew
Traditional quilting pattern

This rug was hooked as an assignment for a St. Lawrence College class towards a certificate in Traditional Rug Hooking, teacher Laura Boszormeny. It was originally much smaller but kept growing and growing!


Cathy Wilson. Orange Peel, a traditional Quilting pattern

Cathy Wilson
Orange Peel
Traditional quilting pattern

I made this rug while I was a student of Judith Dallegret’s. I used only recycled wool, much of which is old clothing from my parents who had recently passed away. It took me quite a long time to complete this rug but it was much fun to create the color combinations. 
I have fond memories of my parents when I sometimes take a break to take yet another good look at what I think is my favorite rug.


Double Show & Tell
This month we offer you a Double Show & Tell about Geometric Rugs.  
Follow the link :  Geometrics #2

Show & Tell : Geometrics #2

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