Executive Committee Message

BHCG Virtual Celebration / 45 years Page    

The Beaconsfield Hooking Crafters Guild celebrates its 45th Anniversary   

Executive Committee Message   

Executive, from left to right: Emmy, Candace, Nancy and Dawna

Welcome everyone to the virtual celebration of Beaconsfield Hooking Crafters Guild 45th Anniversary. Forty-five years ago, Lois Morris founded the guild and to this day, the guild continues to grow and flourish. Our members are always eager to take on new challenges and support and encourage each other in our creative attempts. The huge success of our guild is due to the hard work, enthusiasm, and participation of our many members.

BHCG is an active member of the Ontario Hooking Crafters Guild participating in annuals and contributing to the newsletter. As well, over the past few years, we have displayed and demonstrated rug hooking at the Beaconsfield library, at Centennial Park on St-Jean Baptiste’s Day, at Stewart Hall, at Sherwood Forest Elementary School, and at the Ormstown Fair. We have started a tradition of celebrating International Rug Hooking Day, co-hosting with our friends, the Martintown Wild & Woolies. Our annual June picnic has grown and grown with guests from guilds, in not only Quebec, but Eastern Ontario and Vermont. Last summer BHCG was especially proud to take part in the Église historique de Barachois Project, 200 Hooked Cushions for my 200th. We were able to send seven cushions and five of our members attended the opening ceremonies in New Brunswick.

The guild still meets in beautiful Centennial Hall in Beaconsfield where the staff are more than helpful, and the city of Beaconsfield continues to support the guild as it has for the past 45 years.

As times change and evolve so has BHCG. We have an active Facebook account and recently opened an Instagram account. Our website is also highly active. As we have been unable to meet physically due to COVID-19 many of us have become skilled at using Zoom to hold virtual hook-ins.

We hope you enjoy this virtual celebration and we hope to see many of you in person for our next anniversary.

Best wishes from BHCG executive:
President: Dawna Matthew
Vice-President: Emmy Maten
Secretary: Nancy Thompson
Treasurer: Candace Fradette

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