Show & Tell / Landscapes 2

BHCG Virtual Celebration / Blog: Show & Tell   

Rugs From The Past      

These pieces were exhibited prior to the 2017 Show. Use the label "Show & Tell" to see other rugs showcased in the past.   

Special Show & Tell: Landscapes # 2    

Hooked rugs depicting landscapes are so varied in the way different people see the wonderful outdoor world. Each of us has our own style, our own creative use of colour and hooking techniques. Here you will enjoy landscapes hooked by some of our members. And if you are intrigued, you can see more of our landscapes by visiting our 2017 exhibition Show & Tells which featured “Covered Bridges”. Follow the Links:

Covered Bridges #1

Covered Bridges #2

Covered Bridges #3

Lorayne Charenko. Landscape, a Rittermere pattern

Lorayne Charenko
Rittermere stained glass pattern
Prior to 1987
14-inch diameter

I hooked this small round piece many years ago. Using a stained-glass pattern for a hooked rug project is fun, as the colours are clearly outlined. The challenge was to capture the effect of light passing through the coloured glass onto the hooked roundel. I am happy with the reflections I created. I also like the perspective of seeing the water surface far down, behind the cliff and tree in the foreground. It was shown in the Lakeshore Hooking Craft Guild (now BHCG) section at the 1987 Ontario Hooking Craft Guild Show (See photo album presented in BHCG 45th anniversary).


Audrey Colliss. Jordan School House, a Rittermere pattren

Audrey Collis
Jordan School House
A Rittermere pattern
18 x 23 inches

This is a typical Ontario School of the 1850’s. I love the perspective on this piece. To accentuate the effect, I used reverse hooking for the background, long loops for the foliage, a carved technique for the trees in front of the building, and some popcorn stitches for the flowers. My family loves it, affectionately calls it “Old School House” and finds it particularly interesting.


Maureen Rowe. Autumns Scene, a Joan Moshimer pattern

Maureen Rowe
Autumn Scene
A Joan Moshimer pattern
20 x 26 inches

Linda Morazain did the same pattern with different colours. We did it together in a course that Lois Morris gave at Beaconsfield. I think it is one of my finest pieces and I particularly like the colours of the leaves in the tree. I used a tartan called Buchanan plaid for the leaves. Brilliant colours!


Double Show & Tell !

This month we offer you a Double Show and Tell about Landscapes.  
Follow the link: Landscapes #1 / 

Show & Tell - Landscapes #1

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