VG_5 Debbie Séguin

BHCG Virtual Celebration / Gallery 5

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Virtual Gallery_Gallery 5/ Debbie Séguin

Gallery 5 / Debbie Séguin

In this Gallery, you can tour a selection of rugs from Debbie Séguin.

Debbie Séguin

Debbie Séguin

In 2002, while visiting friends at their beautiful Nova Scotia farmstead, Debbie was introduced to a home-full of stunning rugs, a cutter, a hooking frame, and a vast collection of wool. Debbie thought back to her Newfoundland grandparents: her grandfather, a fisherman, and her grandmother, a rug hooker during the winter months, when fishing season and salting the cod on the flake was over. And Debbie was hooked! Back from her trip, she noticed a story about the Guild in the News and Chronicle, and despite her ongoing nursing career, she was free on Mondays and joined the BHCG. Two years later, in 2004, Debbie was president!
Emmy Maten, Vice-President

To find more about Debbie on our Blog, please use the search tool in the top right corner.


Debbie Séguin, My First Rug. Adapted from a Stencil for Tole Painting.

My First Rug
Adapted from a Stencil for Tole Painting
38 ½ x 24 inches

This is my first rug. I had a stencil for tole painting from a craft magazine which my husband used to paint the two doors of our dining room cabinet. I decided to make a matching rug. Lois taught me how to hand dye the wool for the sky, which I cut into #6 strips. The clouds are hooked with yarn. For the house, I used an old jacket which a friend gave me. And the grass is wool I purchased at the Guild. The rug hangs in our home.


Debbie Séguin. Town, a Rittermere pattern.

32 ½ x 5 inches

This was, I think, the second rug I hooked. I loved the pattern. I have it over my bedroom door. I used #6 cut.

 Town. Detail 1.

 Town. Detail 2.


Debbie Séguin. Friends are Forever, a Rittermere pattern.

Friends are Forever

I made this for my best friend Sue. I hand-dyed some old woollen clothes. The blue in this rug was left over from what I had dyed for my first rug.


Debbie Séguin. Wooly Sheep. Original.

Woolly Sheep
12.5 x 9 inches

I wanted to hook my sister Susan a little rug. While I was at the Pointe-Claire Shopping Center, I went into the wool store and there I spotted this Icelandic wool. I knew then I was going to hook a sheep with it! Susan was very delighted when I gave it to her. I hand dyed Dorr wool for the sky and for the grass, and I used a #6 cut.

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