VG_3 Lorayne Charenko

BHCG Virtual Celebration / Gallery 3

Virtual Gallery 

Virtual Gallery_Gallery 3 / Lorayne Charenko

Gallery 3 / Lorayne Charenko

In this Gallery, you can tour a selection of rugs from Lorayne Charenko.

Lorayne Charenko / Photo: Marilyn Charenko.

Lorayne Charenko

It was in 1978 that Lorayne and I each joined the Guild, and we became particularly good friends. In those days, the Guild met in a hut which stood on the west side of Centennial Hall. It was later torn down, and then our meetings moved into Centennial Hall. Lorayne contributed greatly at the Guild hook-ins. Always elegantly dressed and gracious, she was friendly with everyone and always gave generously of her time to helping Guild members, offering advice on hooking techniques and encouraging others to share their talents. She was a master at the carving technique which she especially enjoyed doing. Although Lorayne now finds it difficult to get out she still maintains close contact with the Guild, following the activities and keeping in touch with members. She was president from 1993-1995.
Sally Perodeau - Past President

To find more about Lorayne on our Blog, please use the search tool in the top right corner.


Lorayne Charenko. Victorian Rose.

Victorian Rose
Year hooked: 1980’s
Size wool cut: #2

Kay Cousineau and I each did this rose while taking a course with Joan Boyle to learn shading and bevelling or carving techniques. I love doing this carving technique.


Lorayne Charenko, Butterflies

20 inches x 24 inches
Designer unknown

I like how the colourful butterflies really feel like they are in motion and stand out against the soft pale grasses in the background. It was shown in the Guild’s 1993 Winter Carnival Exhibition.


Lorayne Charenko, Critters, Designed by Joan Boyle.

24 ½ x 13 ½ inches
Designed by Joan Boyle

The pattern and materials for this rug came in a kit. The techniques I used include fine shading and fancy stitches. It was exhibited in the Guild’s 15th year anniversary show in March 1990.


Lorayne Charenko. Winter

19 x 26 inches
Designed by unknown artist

I enlarged a Christmas card, and drew this pattern onto linen. I hooked it with newly dyed wool and over-dyed repurposed wool. I think I hooked it in the early 2000’s.

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