Show & Tell / June 2021

Rugs From The Past            

These pieces were exhibited prior to the 2017 Show. Use the label "Show & Tell" to see other rugs showcased in the past.   

Show & Tell / Florals # 5

Featuring cushions   

June marks the end of our virtual 45th anniversary year and our 2020-2021 season. Unusual as it was due to the pandemic, we still had a marvelous celebratory year. Time now to sit back in a comfy chair and relax! And enjoy the flowers!
Have a wonderful summer everyone.

Next Show&Tell : October 2021

Rose Kandy. Unnamed. Photo: Jayant Kandalgaonkar.

Rose Kandy
Design by Lois J. Morris
15” x 15” 

According  to my memory, I began this piece in September 2003, when I took my retirement. 
This cushion was never named as it was used as a teaching piece during a course given by Lois J Morris. We learned how to hold the material and the hook, to use the patterns, to create various stitches, and to finish a piece. The border is a braided black silk cord, and the back of the cushion is black fabric.


Dawna Matthew. First Pillow. Original.

Dawna Matthew
First Pillow
20” x 20”
#6 cut background, various cuts for the details

This is the first thing I ever hooked. It was started in a beginner class with Lois J Morris at BHCG in 2012. A fun project, it is hooked with worms from a guild bag of goodies, torn up denim jean fabric and several shades of a wool blend from the remnant bin at my local fabric store. The background is #6 cut, and the design was hooked in various cuts depending on what the goodie bag offered.


Dawna Matthew. Rose Pillow, Design from The Rug Hooker’s Bible book.

Dawna Matthew
Rose Pillow    
Design from The Rug Hooker’s Bible
21” x 21” 
#6 cut

This is the Rose pattern from The Rug Hooker’s Bible that everyone knows. It was hooked in 2012 in #6 cut with wool I dyed.


Show & Tell: Florals #5 featuring Cushions

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