Virtual "Show & Tell"

“What’s on Your Frame?”      

By Emmy Maten   

March 24 Dawna Matthew had a wonderful idea.

With everyone at home and physical meetings no longer possible, wouldn’t it be fun to try a “Show and Tell” by email, or better “What’s on Your Frame?” so we can see what everyone is working on? It has been a great success, opening up a new way to stay connected and inspired.

The process is easy. Just send Dawna a photo of your work with a few words. Dawna then sends it to all our members and then we can reply with a message to the creator if we wish.

To start the ball rolling, Dawna went first. She had attended the Searsport Rug Hooking School in Florida and worked on a Snowman piece and a Santa piece (both Searsport patterns) to “help keep me cool when it was 80F!”. She took a class with Ali Strebel to learn different techniques such as caterpillar, ruching, and needle felting to create a sea turtle swimming in the sea.

work in progress
Stay connected and inspired with “What’s on Your Frame?”

Since the pandemic, many of us turned to rug hooking, and for many reasons – to pass the time, to relax, to cope with anxiety, and to create beauty around us. Emails started to pour in. Some 20  or more answers to “What’s on Your Frame?”.  Pictures of comfy chair pads, a footstool, a newly created heirloom rug, stair treads, a cushion, an Easter table runner, Easter cards, finished rugs and newly started rugs.

The emails stretched the borders of rug hooking, as members also contributed pictures of knitting, embroidery, Hardanger, Bargello, thread painting, beadwork, and COVID19 mask-making. What talents!

“It is so satisfying to see these completed pieces! I think that because we saw them as they “grew” we have a special connection and pride in our friends’ wonderful work!” wrote Dawna in an email.

There is nothing like a sunny spot, a cup of tea and a beautiful project to work on. Thank you all for sharing with us. “What’s on Your Frame?” is on-going, so please, keep sending pictures of your work to Dawna. And continue to stay creative, well, and safe.

Keywords: Covid

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