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Beaconsfield "hookers" give mugs and rugs and a dose of Christmas cheer

By Rhonda Massad
The Suburban

Dec 16, 2015

Beaconsfield rug hookers give cheer this Christmas - By Rhonda Massad The Suburban

On Saturday, December 12, the members of the Beaconsfield Hooking Crafters Guild spread Christmas cheer by presenting mugs and rugs to the West Island Mission.

The Pointe Claire Claycrafters joined the fun by donating hand made pottery mugs along with those donated by the rug hookers themselves. Each festively wrapped gift included tea, hot chocolate and candles in a mug along with a handcrafted, hooked coaster to match. Rug hooking was once used to be a survival craft to provide warmth, rug hooking, is now an art form.

According to rug hooker and vice president of the guild, Linda Henderson, the idea was to bring a little cheer to the recipients of the Missions food baskets were also delivered last Saturday.

“There will be many happy people when they see these gifts of love handmade for them,” Wendy Gariepy of West Island Mission said in an email exchange. “We are grateful for the generous response of the Claycrafters and pleased to be involved in this collaborative effort with other West Island groups in an endeavour to add a bit of fun this Christmas.”

According Henderson several of the members, who have been meeting each Monday since 1975, still producing hooked pieces, are into their nineties. While at the other end of the scale, hooking classes are taught to enthusiastic grade five students at Sherwood Forest school in Beaconsfield.

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