2015 Exhibition / Preliminary Show

Preliminary Show - September 2-27, 2015
At the Beaconsfield Library

By Ti Seymour
President, BHCG

The preliminary show was set up with the purpose of drawing attention to the 40th Anniversary Exhibition - 40 Years of Hooked Rugs to be held in Centennial September 25-27, 2015.  Along with the beautiful selection of rugs, wall hangings and decorative items, members also donated their time to demonstrate Rug Hooking.  In total 6 demonstrations were held and 15 people came along to try their hand at Rug Hooking.  A few signed up for the Introduction to Rug Hooking that was held over 2 sessions at Le Coin Artisanal in Beaconsfield.  The Guest Book was filled with wonderful comments of the pieces seen and even a few filled with inspiration to join the Guild or a class.  Most of the people attending came from the West Island with a couple from Nova Scotia and Ottawa.  The amazement went both ways; particularly when Neil Halsey arrived with a large latch hook project he was working on of a wolf, plus Margaret Johnston and Aurora Richard from Ottawa who had seen our demonstration at Twist Fibre Festival were tickled pink to see photos of themselves amongst printed articles.

Another highlight of the Preliminary show was meeting Fabienne Couturier of La Presse who came to interview the members and was eager to try her hand at Rug Hooking too.  We thank her enormously for the attention she gave our favoured art.  La Presse ran an article about Rug Hooking in October 2015.

All this would not have been possible without the support of Beaconsfield Library and we thank the staff including Margo Purvis and Julia Gilbert.

Preliminary Exhibition - Beaconsfield Library

Follow the Link to see the Photo Album: Preliminary Show 2015

Keywords: Beaconsfield Library

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