2015 Exhibition / Full Show

40th Anniversary Exhibition
September 25-27, 2015
Centennial Hall, Beaconsfield

By Ti Seymour
President, BHCG

“This is the greatest show we’ve ever had in terms of Rugs and Attendance” were the words told to me by Kay Cousineau who has been a member of the Guild since 1976.  While the photos give you a sense of what was displayed they fail to capture the beauty of Centennial Hall and its surroundings, which lends itself as the perfect backdrop to our art.  We thank the staff of the City of Beaconsfield for their unwavering support and professionalism.

It was an honour and a privilege working with the Executive (Jacqueline Bouchard - Treasurer and Dawna Matthew - Secretary) along with the members who ALL played a role in pulling together this amazing feat.  Thanks to their efforts and contribution to Guild activities, it gave us an incredible edge when it came to “hooking” a journalist.  We thank the following journalists for their genuine interest and outstanding articles in our favoured art:

Kathryn Greenaway - The Montreal Gazette
Rhonda Massad - The Suburban/The Westmount Examiner/West Island Blog
Sara King-Abadi - The Chronicle
Fabienne Couturier - La Presse

Every room and stairwell in Centennial was draped, even the floors in some rooms were used too.  With 180 pieces to view visitors were certainly in for a treat,  the first of whom were waiting on the steps of Centennial as the doors opened on the first day!

The Vernissage was held on Friday, September 25th from 7-9pm.  Roughly 60 people attended including special guests  Georges Bourelle, Mayor of Beaconsfield, along with four councillors, plus Rhonda Massad - The Suburban, Shelly Hayden - Volunteer West Island, Paola Le Brun & Cathy Lafleur of Le Coin Artisanal, Chris Delaney, President of St-Henri Rug Hookers and Linda Desbiens of Divinity Fibres & Silk Devine.  Guests were treated to Cheese and Wine to please the palate while the eyes devoured the captivating works of art.

They were equally impressed to see Jacques Lepage demonstrating rug hooking, as he worked on his Finnegan’s Market rug which he plans to gift to the owner Mrs. Aird.  It was a treat to stand beside the Mayor and honoured members of our Guild - Lois Morris, Kay Cousineau, Lorayne Charenko, Ailish O’Keeffe and Denise Vandenbemden while receiving a 40th Anniversary Certificate from the Ontario Hooking Crafters Guild.  Talented member Mary McMurray had baked a delicious cake made into a replica of the Guild’s new 40th emblem hooked by Lois Morris, which was enjoyed throughout the Exhibition.  We thank everyone who attended for making it a memorable evening and celebrating this outstanding achievement with us.

The next couple of days the volume of traffic coming through the exhibition meant that the parking lot remained full through its entirety and kept us all on our toes as we walked around with the visitors and answered their questions.  Demonstrations were also underway and anyone willing had the opportunity to try it for themselves.  Refreshments were available and a place to sit for a while and peruse photo albums.  Newspaper articles spanning 40 years were also displayed along with our website articles and photos. Cards of the rugs could be purchased, which served as a perfect reminder of one’s visit while supporting our fund raising efforts.

On Saturday September 26 th, member Carolyn Ells gave an informative talk called “Transferring Photographs into Rugs”.  Using her Ginger Cat rug as an example (which won an Honorary Mention in Celebrations) she explained, step by step the process she uses to capture the composition.  Attendees were invited to handle the material and ask questions of any aspect.  Our thanks to Carolyn for sharing her process and bringing yet another great aspect to the Exhibition.

Overall the guest book reflects approximately 150 people attending the Exhibition, including many beautiful comments of visitors truly impressed. Perhaps a number of visitors were too stunned to write their names!

Congratulations to the members and Executive past and present who have volunteered countless hours to keeping this fabulous Guild going.  Long may it last.

BHCG Full Exhibition - 2015

Follow the link to see the Photo Album: Full Exhibition 2015

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