Wesmount Examiner / The Guild In The News

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The Beaconsfield Rug Hooking Crafters Guild  is turning 40
Sara King-Abadi

The  Wesmount  Examiner

17 Sep, 2015

Page 3

Founded in 1975 by Lois Morris, who is still a member at 76-yearsold, the members of the Beaconsfield Rug Hooking Crafters Guild first learned to hook under her guidance. The craft and art of rug hooking is made by pulling yarn or fabric through stiff woven materials like burlap or linen. Members range in age from 42 to 90 years-old from across the island, including Westmount and the West Island. “In Quebec it’s a dying art because not many people know about it,” said the president of the guild, Ti Seymour. With this in mind the guild holds hooking workshops in elementary schools, starting with Sherwood Elementary School.

“It’s very therapeutic, but can be a necessity or hung for a work of art, it’s up to the individual,” said Seymour. “You can go from fine art to primitive style pieces. There’s no need to be an artist.”

The guild is active in the community and donated handmade wool flowers to all the recipients of Meals on Wheels in April, for Good Friday. The flowers were wrapped and signed with love from the guild. When the holiday season rolls around, the crafters intend on making rug coasters to gift with mugs to the organization.

The guild will hold an exhibition of 40 years of hooked rugs to celebrate their anniversary at Centennial Hall from Sept. 25 to 27. For more information call 514-247-9310.

Westmount Examiner
The Examiner. September 17, 2015, Page 3

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