Community Project

 June 7, 2022 

Culture and Inclusion Project – our 3rd and 4th Workshops

While our first 2 workshops were with elementary students, today’s workshops were with high school students, totalling 26 students.

Six of our Guild members (Juliet, Dawna, Chris, Muriel, Kitt, Emmy) volunteered to animate today’s workshops. Following introductions, we each held up rugs and let each student pick their favorite. The animal rugs were very popular!

Instead of providing a design to hook as we had done with the younger students, we gave the high school students total freedom to create what they felt like hooking. Our students worked from the backside of their frames, using our adapted Proddy stick or a chop stick to push loops through the netting, somewhat like doing punch needle hooking.

The results varied from geometrics, to their initial, and to various scenes.

Punch needle technique using an adapted Proddy stick.

A geometric design

The letter K

A house

Another house

This piece, a pumpkin farm, was inspired by Chris’s pumpkin farm rug she showed for only a few minutes at the start of our workshop!

A pumpkin farm

The students were engaged in their new art form, one of the teachers was interested in supplies as she wanted to continue such a project with her students, and our members were once again moved by the joy created together.

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