Community Project

Culture and Inclusion Project   

The Beaconsfield Library invited our guild to take part in a wonderful project to promote cultural activities to students living with disabilities. Several members of our guild first attended information and training sessions presented by Altergo. Then at subsequent hooking Mondays, everyone brain-stormed ideas and we developed workshops which could be appreciated by the students.

May 26, we presented our first 2 workshops, and they were a success!

The students enjoyed making Proddy flowers using strips of colourful T-shirt fabrics, and each student proudly showed their work at the end. Our guild members were equally filled with joy from interacting with and encouraging the students. We were all proud!

We will do 2 more workshops in June, followed by 6 workshops in the fall.

Our Proddy flower project

Our Proddy stick (cut-off chop stick inserted and glued into a wooden bead).

Left to Right: Claire, Alex (Regard9), Muriel, Cynthia (Library), Emmy, Juliet, Judith (Library).

Alex, workshop animator from Regard9, was keen to make one too.

Claire shows a student how to start the flower.

Juliet admires a student's work in progress.

Muriel helps a student use the Proddy stick.

Alex shows his finished project.

Keywords: Beaconsfield Library, Hooking with Children

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