Punch Needle Day

April 10th, 2021   

International  Punch Needle Rug Hooking Day        

By Emmy Maten 

BHCG Members participating in Punch Needle activities from 2015 to 2018.

Our members are always exploring new ideas, materials, and techniques, looking for alternative ways to express themselves and expand their creativity.

After completing Amy Oxford’s Punch Needle Rug Hooking Teacher Certification Program, Dawna presented 2 workshops to the BHCG members in 2018.

Claire and Candace took a course as well in the past and they shared their learned experiences with the Guild.
Mini-punch needle hooking using embroidery floss is also popular as seen in many of Helen Radford’s, Carolyn Ells’, M McMurray’s, and Ann Arial’s pieces. Carolyn Ells presented a Show and Share in 2015 following her inspiration from Kathleen Menzies’ work.

Today, to celebrate International Punch Needle Day, members of our Guild are meeting via Zoom for a Punch-Along.

Dawna and Ti receive their Amy Oxford Punch Needle Hooking Teaching Certificates.

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