Show & Tell / Christmas 2

BHCG Virtual Celebration / Blog: Show & Tell      

Rugs From The Past         

These pieces were exhibited prior to the 2017 Show. Use the label "Show & Tell" to see other rugs showcased in the past.   

Show & Tell / Christmas # 2 

This time of season is about traditions and things we hold dear. These lovely Christmas pieces come with heartfelt stories. Many of the loops we pull are accompanied by joy and love and beauty, felt even years later.

Mayumi Tsuji. Hello Cardinal. Adapted

Mayumi Tsuji
Hello Cardinal
Adaptation of Christmas Card Illustration

The story of my cardinal rug... I saw a red bird for the first time in Canada! I loved this bird that comes to visit in the garden every day, and I was very impressed when I saw it for the first time in the white snow scene. One year, I received a Christmas card showing a cardinal and I wanted to make it into a rug. It is not my own design, but I love it. This rug hangs in my room all year round, and while looking at it, I remember the Beaconsfield Hooking Crafters Guild with gratitude, and I wish the club continued prosperity. This piece has been animated in 2012 and featured as a greeting card in 2015.


Jeanne Osler, Christmas stockings
Some of these pieces have been exhibited during 1987 OHCG Show,
1995 Christmas Display at Centennial Hall and 2010 BHCG Show.

Jeanne Osler’s Christmas stockings
Unknown pattern

This story comes from the late Jeanne Osler’s daughter Marilyn.

The Osler family always did stockings on Christmas morning for adults and children. As grandchildren arrived, Mom/Nana did hooked stockings for many, starting with her first grandson, Chris. 

Jeanne Osler. Chris' Christmas stocking. Animated in 2012

This first one, a mouse with a red and white striped shirt and holding a candlestick, may have been done through a class or a purchased kit as interestingly enough, my Mother-in-law Lorayne Charenko did similar mouse stockings for my 3 children. I am quite sure that later designs (Tanis, Martine, Marilyn) were based on Christmas cards she saved. More followed as the family grew! And my brother John recollects the “protests” when some realized that the capacity of our felt stockings was significantly less that the ones that Mom was making for all of the new additions to the family.

Jeanne Osler. Tanis' Christmas stocking. A
nimated in 2012

Jeanne Osler. Martine's Christmas stocking

Jeanne Osler. Marilyn's Christmas stocking
Marilyn received it as a gift in 1990.

When we had to pack up everything from Mom’s home, I took the Marilyn stocking and actually turned it into a banner as I have a cross-stitch stocking too, made for me by my daughters. I will hang the banner in a place of honour this Christmas, our first without Mom/Nana.

Marilyn turned her stocking into a banner.

Osler's Stockings

Charenko's Stockings


Double Show & Tell !

This month we offer you a Double Show and Tell about Christmas!  
Follow the link to see more rugs: Christmas #1 

Show & Tell Christmas #1

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