Show & Tell / Christmas 1

BHCG Virtual Celebration / Show & Tell Page

Featured Rugs Gallery    

Show & Tell   

In this Gallery, you can tour a selection of rugs from our members. These mats were never displayed during our Show. Visit our Blog to see the rugs showcased in the past.   

Christmas # 1   

This year, for many of us, our Christmas get-togethers with loved ones will be virtual. Putting up our favorite Christmas decorations helps us feel the joy and cheer that this season brings. Here are some beautiful Christmas rugs which will warm our hearts and get us in the yuletide spirit.

Christina Delaney. Christmas Moose, Original.

Christina Delaney
Christmas Moose

Size: 18” x 23.5”
Wool & silk on linen, cut # 6 & 8

I have an old friend who loves moose. She spent 3 years working in Newfoundland and, despite her efforts, didn’t see one! I thought the antlers lent themselves to holding ornaments. I made this for her for Christmas.


Christine Delaney. Old Santa, a Polly Minick pattern.

Christina Delaney
Old Santa

Adaptation of a Polly Minick design
Size: 20“ x 20”
Wool cut # 5

I had just finished my first rug hooking class in the fall of 1997 and this was the first rug I decided to do. It is based on a picture of rug done by Polly Minick which I saw in Rug Hooking Magazine. It is hooked very tightly and flat; however, I love it. It has graced my wall every Christmas for the last 23 years.


Dawna Matthew. Left: Willy Melt; Right: Jolly Santa. Pattern: Searsport Rug Hooking.

Dawna Matthew
Willy Melt
Jolly Santa

Pattern: Searsport Rug Hooking
Size 9” x 18”
Cut: #6

I fell in love with the little snowman pattern, Willy Melt, when I first saw it at Searsport’s booth at their Punta Gorda Hook-In in 2018. Unfortunately, they didn’t have the pattern in stock. Last winter, 2020, found us in Florida and I attended Searsport’s weekly hook-ins. I was able to purchase Willy Melt along with Jolly Santa and they were perfect “winter mats” to hook in warm, sunny temperatures. Both Willy Melt and Jolly Santa are gifts for my daughter and granddaughter.


Double Show & Tell !

This month we offer you a Double Show and Tell about Christmas!  
Follow the link to see more rugs: Christmas # 2  

Show & Tell Christmas 2

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