Show & Tell / Happy Mew Year 2017

Show & Tell / January 2017


Celebrating Happy Mew Year for Cats Day©, a Holiday created by Thomas & Ruth Roy, from

For more Funny Days consult Days of the Year

Tiger Cat

Hooked by Dawna Matthew
Size: 30” X 27”
Cut: 8.5 wool

Main pattern from Green Mountain Hooked Rugs with background details added.
Begun with Susie Stephenson at Green Mountain Rug School, June 2014

This was the first rug I did in a wide cut and it was supposed to be more of a “primitive” style. I must admit that I am not drawn to animals drawn in the truly primitive way nor am I attracted to the subdued colours that are often found in these rugs. Tiger Cat was started in a “Folk Art Techniques and Fibres” workshop with Susie Stephenson at Green Mountain Rug School in 2014. As you can see, my preference for bright, cheerful colours took over! Susie’s workshop was great fun and she encouraged us to experiment with different materials. The original pattern from Green Mountain Hooked Rugs only had the cat in the center and it was fun incorporating different techniques in his surroundings.

Tiger Cat, Green Mountain's Pattern Hooked by Dawna Matthew


Original Design by Isabelle Rollin
Size: 15”X 52”

This is the cat who shared our lives. I hooked her full-scale. She used to enjoy being in the garden after a summer rain.

Popounne, Original by Isabelle Rollin

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