OHCG Newsletter / In The News

Ontario Hooking Craft Guild - Reports by Branch
Beaconsfield Hooking Crafters Guild (Area 1)

This is the Quarterly Activities Report published in the Ontario Hooking Craft Guild Newsletter.
Click to enlarge.

Fall 2016
OHCG Newsletter - Issue 3, Fall 2016. Cover Page

OHCG Newsletter - Issue 3, Fall 2016. Page 14: Reports by Branch

OHCG Newsletter - Issue 3, Fall 2016. Page 24: Erratum
As you can see here, Beaconsfield guild has had a very active summer. Not only have we been busy at home but also members have been reaching out and sharing with other groups.

Activities of the Guild
OHCG Newsletter - Issue 3, Fall 2016. Page 29: About our activities

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