
Halloween Hook-In at LCA  _ 

Some pictures taken during the Saturday Hook-In of October 31st, 2015 at Le Coin Artisanal. It was a  very fun Hook-In !

Maria Romero - Lunch time at the Halloween Hook-in

Ti, Maria, Carolyn
Ti Seymour, Maria Romero, Carolyn Ells - Troublesome Trio!!!

James Seymour provided treats for the Halloween Hook-in
Aurora Richard getting to grips with hooking a circle

Terri's chicken

Carolyn Ells
Carolyn’s gifts
Carolyn Ells - Surprised by her gifts - with thanks for her awesome contribution to Members Show & Share Session with her Punch Hooking demonstration & her fabulous talk during the 40th Anniversary Exhibition “Transferring Photos into Rugs".

Mug Rug Class
 Mug Rug Class Underway and Carolyn in the background still in disbelief of her new found gifts!
Storied Rug
Storied Rug By Carolyn Ells

Carolyn Ells with her stunning foot rug that is going to be gifted to her neighbours.  The neighbours children want to hook the last few rows - what a great memory and an awesome gift.

Rug Hooking Technique
Carolyn explaining how this technique is achieved

Aurora and Ti
Aurora and Ti figuring out problems incurred serging linen

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