Sherwood Forest Elementary School Project - 2

Follow-up - Sherwood Forest Elementary - Thursday, April 9, 2015

Thank you Dawna Matthew & Cathy Wilson for popping in with me, to see Grade 5's progress. They were very happy to see us arrive and help out.  We managed to sort out some issues they were having with ripping t-shirts, colour planning and losing loops.  By the end of our hour slot we had seen definite progress and smiles all round.   Mrs Bates showed us her daughter performing in an Irish Dancing Competition in an outfit made by our member Mary "Em" McMurray - very impressive on both counts girls.

Respectfully submitted by Ti Seymour

Sherwood Forest Elementary School

Sherwood Forest Elementary School Project

By Cathy Wilson

I was impressed how much the project was owned by the students and not the teacher, nor the volunteering adults.  As you can see in the photos, the patterns were as different as the students themselves. The kids picked and cut their own fabric strips using adult scissors and the rotary cutter.  As expected there was a large range of abilities within the group, but I saw kids concentrating and having fun learning their new craft. Good little project. My favorite part of the day, and I quote, "Thank you for giving up your time to volunteer at my school". It was a pleasure to get back into school, if only for an hour and a half, to guide some children in a first attempt at rug hooking. 

Follow the link to see the Photo Album: Sherwood Forest Elementary School / 2

Keywords: Hooking with Children

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