Mug Rug Workshop _ 1

Mug Rug Workshop

By Dawna Matthew

On Saturday, April 25th, BHCG held a very successful “Create a Mug Rug” workshop. Our goal was to give people a taste of traditional rug hooking in an informal setting. People are often curious about this rewarding and creative fibre art form but do not easily get the chance to try their hand at it so this was a perfect opportunity! We had a large group of eleven in a wide range of ages, and seven members were present to lend a helping hand. As you can see in the photos, the looks of concentration and the smiles show that everyone was working hard but enjoying themselves.
A follow-up session will be held on Saturday, May 2nd.

Mug Rug Workshop -  Le Coin Artisanal - April 2015
Denise Vandenbemden giving Intro Class Attendees a Show and Tell experience, whilst Maria captures more epic moments!

Follow the link to see the Photo Album: Mug Rug Workshop / April 2015

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