
Get-together in Centennial Park_

July 31, 2020
Emmy Maten

Several members of our Guild have been involved in a group project of one large rug made of smaller tiles, each hooked by a different member. More than half the rug pieces were handed in by February. And then the Covid-19 restrictions came in early March.

Recently, with cases down, we decided to meet safely outside in Centennial Park to collect the remaining rug pieces. With masks all the norm, we felt no inhibitions wearing them and were delighted to see each other in person. It has been 5 months since we were last together in Centennial Hall!

Everyone agreed that we should plan a September Hook-In in the park, as long as Covid-19 cases are still low. Rug hooking creates such a special bond between us all.

Get-together in Centennial Park. July 31st, 2020

Keywords: Covid

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