St. Patrick’s Day

Green Day_

By Emmy Maten

On Monday, March 18, we celebrated St. Patrick’s Day. We dressed in green, everyone won a green door prize, and there was a pot of “gold” for 1 lucky winner!

Everyone is Irish on St.Patrick's Day!

Louise and her colourful Karla Gerard design

Emmy and Candace

Juliet and Fay


As always, we shared rug hooking ideas and continued working on our beautiful projects.

Left to right: Charlene, Claudette, Joni and Judith

We also sang “Happy Birthday” to Brenda who is not only truly Irish, but also born on St Patrick’s Day!

Brenda's birthday

Lin Watson

Jeanne, Brenda and Isabelle

Andrée and Denise M.

Brette and Joanne

Keywords: Birthdays / Anniversaries,

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