Abu Dhabi Demo

Demo at the Abu Dhabi Quilting Guild_

By Dawna Matthew

Abu Dhabi ,United Arab Emirates
March 14th, 2019

Rug Hooking and Punch Needle Demo at the Abu Dhabi Quilting Guild

Our past president, Ti Seymour, spends her time between her homes here in Beaconsfield and Abu Dhabi. In March three of our members went to visit and were invited to attend a meeting of the Abu Dhabi Quilting Guild and demonstrate our techniques. We were amazed at the interest shown in both rug hooking and Oxford Needle Punch work. Ti will have to get a group, “The Abu Dhabi Rug Hookers and Punchers” started!!

Ti demonstrates the techniques

Lots of interest

Marcy Baker from Colorado was visiting the Middle East and conducting a series of workshops

Batik talk 

Quilting Show and tell

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