Fête Nationale

2017 Fête Nationale

By Carolyn Ells

About a dozen Guild members took part in Fête Nationale on the grounds of Centennial Hall as part of the City of Beaconsfield’s official celebrations. Our rug display and booth greeted people as they entered the artisan area. We enjoyed showing many people our rugs and talking about our craft. Several children tried hooking for the first time. Many of us noticed many wearable fibers among the animals in the petting area. It was a pleasant day to visit with each other and meet others in our community.

BHCG Rug Hooking Demo during Saint-Jean's Day

Rug Hooking Display

Rug Hooking Dispaly

BHCG members doing demonstration

A young girl making loops

Very nice job!

Several children tried hooking for the first time

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