BHCG Picnic

Our 2016 picnic

By Jacqueline Bouchard

BHCG 2016 Pinic Invitation - Illustration: Maria Romero

On May 28, under warm and sunny skies, 30 of our members and 23 guests came to Centennial Hall to enjoy our annual picnic. At the door, we were greeted by the dazzling smile of our Denise Vandenbemden who gave us each a beautiful pin in the shape of a hook, a creation of our talented artists Isabelle and Claire.

In the Hall, tables had already been set up by our regular fairies and magicians. A very large table overflowing with culinary delights stood in the middle, and was flanked with other tables offering artistic items for sale or for the silent auction and the draws. As soon as they came in, our members and guests continued to ply the various tables with their generous gifts.In the back room Judith Dallegret, and Linda Desbiens of Silk Divine, were tempting buyers with their colourful wares.

Outside, our guests, from far and near, had chosen to sit on the verandah and were happily hooking and chatting while admiring the azure and serene Lake Saint-Louis. From our guests from Vermont, I overheard comments praising the landscape, the hospitality and joie de vivre around them. Of course, below, around more tables and in the stands, the same atmosphere was enjoyed by all.

Our annual auction got under way with Louise, our expert auctioneer, and Jacques who, again this year, contributed the comedy act. The competition was fierce but good natured! From time to time, we had to go in and check the status of the silent auction and readjust our bidding on the coveted object. Of course, it was impossible to bypass the food table –going back to the auction outside juggling a heaping plate and refreshments.

After the auctions and the draws, came the long-awaited Show and Tell – always an inspiring and entertaining part of the program.

At the end of the day, we returned home with bags full of beautiful things and the memory of a delightful day. À l’année prochaine!

BHCG 2016 Picnic

We took a lot of pictures!
Follow the link to see the  Photo Album: BHCG 2016 Picnic

Thanks to all our Colony !

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