Friendship Rug / 1

2015 The Year of the Craft_

By Ti Seymour

Invitation sent out to any rug hookers in Montreal tomorrow. Your chance to hook a hand on this Friendship Rug.

A bit of background into …. The idea for the Friendship Rug was initiated by the Marketing Committee to celebrate “2015 The Year of the Craft” as promoted by the Craft Council of Canada.
Branches are invited to hook their hands on the rug which is to be circulated throughout the province. When completed, it will be displayed at the 2016 Annual conference in honour of the 50th Anniversary of the OHCG. It became apparent that one rug would not suffice, so a second rug began circulating in Eastern Ontario to give opportunity for as many branches as possible to participate.

After the 2016 Annual at Deerhurst, the rugs will become part of the historical artifacts of the OHCG. There are a few items such as a lovely silver punch bowl donated by Mary Sheppard Burton to the OHCG and the large hooked OHCG logo which is displayed at each Annual; others are stored with the Provincial Archives.

Anyone is welcome to be a part of this project for the Ontario Hooking Crafters Guild.

Thursday 21st Jan - 10am - 9pm (Pop in at any time!)
(Stew & Jacket Potato on offer, to keep you hooking) Don’t forget to bring wool to use. Cutters will be on hand.

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