Show and Tell / January - March 2015

All these rugs are original designs by Jacques Lepage

Fish Underwater 
I wanted to work with very wide cuts of wool and play with colours.  I hooked this carpet on linen using recycled wool and I whipped the border. Instead of cutting the strips I tore them (in the old way) ) into widths equivalent to no.10.  The mat is 11 in. high x 26-3/4 in. wide. This is an original design.
Rug Hooking - Beaconsfield Hooking Crafters Guild
Fish Underwater - Jacques Lepage

The Beaver
This rug, an original design, measures 18 in, high x 30-1/2" wide. I hooked it on linen using recycled wools cut in #8. The border is whipped. This rug was inspired by the nickel in my pocket when I was young. I love plaids and I always wanted to use one in a rug. (The Canadian nickel or 5 cents depicts a beaver on the reverse side.)

Rug Hooking - Beaconsfield Hooking Crafters Guild
Beaver - Jacques Lepage

The Monks 
This original memory rug represents a visit to St-Benoit-du-Lac Abbey in Magog, Quebec. The rug measures 15-3/4 in. x 16 in,; I hooked it on rug warp using wool strips cut in no, 4, 5 and 6. It was the first time I used rug warp and finer cut wool strips.
Rug Hooking - Beaconsfield Hooking Crafters Guild
Monks - Jacques Lepage

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