
"Jacobean Crewel" Course   

By Lois Morris 

On Monday, Dec. 8, 2014, Ti, Dawna, and Denise V. finished a course on “Jacobean Crewel” given by the guild founder and one of its teachers, Lois Morris.   The participants used authentic Jacobean Designs which they created themselves using patterns made available to them. The color swatches provided by Lois included  Blue, Red, Purple, Gold and Green. These represent the strong, but soft traditional Jacobean Colours. The participants mixed these colours in the Crewel Manner and learned a number of fancy stitches to emulate the look of crewel embroidery.  Notes were given on formulas both for the main colour swatches as well as for 3 accent colours they could dye themselves. 

Choosing background colours and stitches as well as learning to correct mistakes are part of the process. Judging by the progress so far, beautiful works of art will be produced. Watch for them at our 40th anniversary show in September, 2015.

Rug Hooking - Beaconsfield Hooking Crafters Guild
Jacobean Crewel

Rug Hooking - Beaconsfield Hooking Crafters Guild
Dawna's Jacobean Crewel

Rug Hooking - Beaconsfield Hooking Crafters Guild
Ti's Jacobean Crewel

Rug Hooking - Beaconsfield Hooking Crafters Guild
Lois Morris
Rug Hooking - Beaconsfield Hooking Crafters Guild
Denise Vandenbemden 'sJacobean Crewel


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