Brenda Ticehurst, Jacqueline Bouchard and Kay Cousineau / In The News

OHCG  Winter 2014 Newsletter

Once again, some of our members were featured in this month's OHCG Magazine. The  following members were mentioned:
- Brenda Ticehurst - with her rug Old Houses, Adapted, page 11;
- Jacqueline Bouchard, Restoration, page 24;
- Kay Cousineau, 90th birthday recognition, page 25 and her rug Winter Scene, back page.

Congratulations to all! 

Click for a larger image.

OHCG Newsletter _ Winter 2014

OHCG Newsletter _ Winter 2014, p. 10

OHCG Newsletter _ Winter 2014, p11. Brenda Ticehurst Architectural Rug
OHCG Newsletter _ Winter 2014, p. 24. Reports by Branch
OHCG Newsletter _ Winter 2014, p. 25. Reports by Branch, Kay Cousineau Birthday

OHCG Newsletter _ Winter 2014, p. 36. Winter Scene, A Rug By Kay Cousineau

Keywords: Birthdays / Anniversaries,

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