Show & Tell - April 2011

This is a selection of rugs from our September 2010 retrospective exhibition, held at Centennial Hall, to celebrate the Guild’s 35th anniversary.

Sally Perodeau. Sugaring Off, a Rittermere pattern

Sally Perodeau
Sugaring Off

Rittermere Pattern – 24” x 35”

Pictorials such as this are fun to do. You can draw the subject yourself, or order a scene from one of the many catalogues available; similarly gift cards are a good source of ideas. Pictorials are great for using a variety of materials. I used burlap for the sleigh, leather for the harness, old tweeds for the trees, plastic for the maple sap, my neighbour's old coat for the red jacket and some knitting wool for the smoke and some of the snow.
Lois J. Morris is a great inspirational teacher; she suggests, helps and encourages us always. Thank you, Lois.

Denise Vandenbemden
Denise Vandenbemden. Half-round - Ellie's Rug

Denise Vandenbemden
Half-Round – Ellie’s rug

(Designer unknown)

The pattern of this rug must be very old. I bought it at a rummage sale, the original price tag was still attached, $8. A pattern on burlap today costs about five times as much. The burlap was still in perfect condition and all I had to do was choose the colours. I have a hard time deciding what colours I am going to use. I often change my mind, even after dyeing all the wool. This time my grand-daughter Ellie helped me out. The colours I used are entirely her choice. All the wool has been hand dyed with Cushing Acid Dyes and the rug was hooked in #4 cut.

Louise G. de Tonnancour
Louise G. de Tonancour. Vermont Shells Chair Pad, a Joan Moshimer pattern

Louise G. de Tonnancour
Vermont Shells Chair Pad

A Joan Moshimer Design

This is the very first rug that I hooked. I went to Kennebunkport, ME, in the summer of 1986 to purchase this Joan Moshimer pattern.

Kay Cousineau, tabriz, a Joan Moshimer pattern

Kay Cousineau

A Joan Moshimer Design

This oriental pattern measuring 38“ x 69”, was designed by Joan Moshimer of Kennebunkport, Maine. I dyed all the wool used in this project. It was a very enjoyable project and not that difficult to do.

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