Fête nationale

Québec’s fête nationale 2010, in Beaconsfield   

by L. G. de Tonnancour   

This year again, June 24th,  some of our members  (Denise Morissette, Rose Kandy, Denise Vandenbemden and myself ) gave a few hours to be part of the celebrations and demonstrate to the visitors the traditional technique of rug hooking.  The weather being on the rainy side, most of the activities took place inside the municipality's Community Center.
On that day, my fifteen year old niece Gabrielle wanted to join me. She is not a rug hooker ... (not yet!!! ) but she enjoys being behind the camera so she volunteered to take the pictures. I find it interesting to see what caught her attention.  Who knows...you might be inspired by one of her images ...

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