Rugs at Centennial Park

Outdoor Poster Exhibit   

July 22, the City of Beaconsfield’s “Happy Hour by the Water” event marked the official opening of our outdoor poster exhibit.

Almost 900 people showed up for the concert and also viewed the poster display. Julie Poirier-Monette, co-ordinator for Beaconsfield’s cultural life, announced the poster exhibit to the public and read out a heartfelt message from our Guild thanking the City for creating this beautiful poster display of our work and inviting those drawn to our craft to visit our website and Facebook page and join us in September for Monday meetings.

Panels 1 and 2. Photos courtesy of Emmy Maten.

As one tours the exhibit, the first poster describes our Guild and its history, and shows our Centennial Hall Tile rug, which is currently hanging in the Beaconsfield Library. The posters which follow display some of our members’ rugs (chosen by the photographer) and various rug hooking techniques.

Panels 3, 4, 5, 6. Photo courtesy of the City of Beaconsfield. (The 6th panel shows City messaging.)

The posters are large, often much larger than the actual rugs, highlighting the loops in amazing detail, but also providing great clarity of the rugs from a distance.

The display will remain in Centennial Park until the fall. We are proud and thrilled to have our art thus portrayed to the public and are most grateful to the City of Beaconsfield.

Juliet and some park visitors enjoy the posters. Photo courtesy of Juliet’s husband, Dieter.

Group photo, Lois Morris founder of our Guild in 1975, our Centennial tile rug.

Technique: Miniature Punch Needle. Carolyn Ells – Bluenose; Percé Rock.
Technique: Whipping. Jacques Lepage – The Oldtimers Series #5 Apple Time (Rug detail); The Logger

Brenda Ticehurst – Char The Star.

Technique: Cutter machine. Claire Fradette – Vendome – a Joan Moshimer design; Spring.

Emmy Maten – Blue Poppies – adapted from a Deanne Fitzpatrick design kit.

Technique: Hooking with Wool Strips. Isabelle Rollin – Ad-Lib; Back from School (Rug detail).

Sue Rolland Dawson – Summer Bloom – kit purchased from Deanne Fitzparick Studio.

Technique: Miniature Punch Needle with Merino Fingering Wool.
Helen Radford – Cone Flowers (Rug detail); Irises.

Dawna Matthew – Last Light - a Bärbel Smith design, purchased from Willow Creek Rug Hooking.

Technique: Hooked Background Yarn. Barbara Silver – The Valley; Spring Flowers (Rug detail).

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