Our Exhibition

April 29, 2023, BHCG Rug Exhibition   

Saturday, April 29 was a grand day for our Beaconsfield Guild!

Finally returning from the pandemic to more normal times, it had been five and a half years since we held a rug exhibition. It was high time indeed to have one again! Despite our Rug Exhibition being only a one-day show, we estimate that we had 150 visitors, if not 200! We were delighted to greet visitors from numerous rug-hooking groups, some travelling for as long as a 2-hour drive. Many visitors had received invitations or heard of the show through Facebook. Others read about it in the Beaconsfield Spring contact magazine, noticed the Beaconsfield electronic billboards, saw our little display in the library advertising our event, or simply saw the signs on Beaconsfield Boulevard. Many were also our own friends and family.

We exhibited about 120 rugs, displayed over five different theme rooms and the two hallways. From Canadiana and Landscapes on the main floor to Art, Florals and Animals, and Home Sweet Home upstairs, the variety was a delight to see. The many favorable comments and words of congratulations from the public made us all very proud!

Entrance with Guest Book




Landscape and Mini-Punch Needle

Landscape and Mini-Punch Needle

Landscape and Mini-Punch Needle




Florals and Animals

Florals and Animals

Florals and Animals

Florals and Animals

Home Sweet Home

Home Sweet Home

Home Sweet Home

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