Beaconsfield Artisans' Fair

BHCG Participates in the Beaconsfield Artisans’ Fair    

By Chris Delaney   

On Saturday, September 24th, the Beaconsfield Hooking Crafters Guild was represented at the Artisans’ Fair held on the grounds of Centennial Hall. Mary was there with a variety of things to sell in her continued fundraising efforts for the Ukraine. Her scarves were a big hit. Claire also brought along some wonderful crafts including her fab brooches, slippers, and small baskets. Kitt dropped by with her material pumpkins. Helen and Chris brought rugs and though many did not sell, there was much interest in the guild and the art of rug hooking and punch needle. Perhaps some will even visit us on a Monday. Others in the guild dropped by to enjoy the beautiful day. We saw Maureen, Lin, Barbara, and Leslie, and Debbie also came by to help us pass the time. It was a wonderful day spent in good company.

Chris and Helen converse with visitors. Mary continues to crochet her fundraiser scarves.

Chris is ready to demonstrate rug hooking. Helen explains how she decorated a wooden box with a rug.

Claire has set up her craft table.

Mary and the Ukraine fundraiser table. Debbie and Claire hold up Debbie's rug.

Mary, Debbie, and Claire enjoying the event.

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