Green Day

St-Patrick’s Day   

Today was Green Day, when everybody is Irish, and we all wear green, and celebrate St Patrick’s Day! Our lucky stars proved the weather report wrong and brought us beautiful sunshine streaming through the windows of Centennial Hall, adding to the gaiety.

Cookies made by Claire and Kitt.

Claire and Kitt put up decorations, prepared delightful cookies (carefully prepacked in little Ziplock baggies), and even provided a couple of door prizes. Joanne contributed a shamrock plant, fully in bloom to the door prize table.

Heather is delighted to receive a card and gifts.

We also used the occasion to celebrate Heather, who will be moving to New Brunswick this spring. We surprised her with a gift basket and a card.

Luck had it that Heather also won a door prize! The other winners were Denise and Emmy.

Thanks to all for a lovely party hook-in.

Denise M.

Denise won this beautiful gift basket.

Emmy is charmed by her flowering shamrock plant.

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