Fête nationale du Québec
Fête St. Jean at Centennial Park in Beaconsfield June 24, 2019_ By Emmy Maten Heather, Jane, Isabelle, Candace, Emmy and Debbie La Fête Nationale in Beaconsfield was celebrated in Centennial Park with many family activities offered. As in previous years, our Guild had a kiosk to promote the art of rug hooking. We had fabulous weather and a big turnout from the public. Several of our Guild members and Jane from the Martintown Wild and Woolly Rug Hookers donated their time and rugs to make an outstanding rug display and welcome the public. We demonstrated, explained, answered questions and referred potential new rug-hookers to our Guild. Many keen individuals tried rug hooking themselves, with our guidance, using the two demonstration pieces on hoops. We even sold 2 kits and several cards. Not only was the day a success, but most of all, we had lots of fun. A huge thank you to Isabelle, Jacques, Candace, Jane, Heather and Debbie. You made it all happen! Jacques and visit...