St Lawrence College

Basic Rug Hooking

St Lawrence College
Cornwall, July 9th  to 13th, 2018

By Ti Seymour

15 happy hookers attended St Lawrence College, Cornwall for the Credit Course - Basic Rug Hooking, taught by Carol Shewan (Willow Creek Rug Hooking).  Attendees came from Beaconsfield, Martintown and Ottawa branches.  The motifs hooked covered the use of spot dye, swatches, dip dye and alternative fibres.  There was something new for everyone to learn from colour theory, hooking perfect loops, shading and finishing techniques.  Thank you Carol for such a fun week, you brought out the best work in each of us.    

This Fibre Arts Program run by Laura Boszormeny is a well rounded education for anyone looking for improvement and friendship.   

Basic Rug Hooking
Basic Rug Hooking, taught by Carol Shewan

Basic Rug Hooking, taught by Carol Shewan

Carol's Tee Shirt

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