2018 Picnic

Saturday, June 2nd 2018

BHCG 2018 Picnic

By Dawna Matthew

On behalf of your executive I’d like to thank everyone for helping make our Annual Picnic such a success! An extra thank you to all those gentlemen who came and helped with set up and take down. The tents were much appreciated. The food was delicious, the vendors had beautiful items, the “paper bag” auction was popular and everyone had a great time. And the weather man was very co-operative!!! Again this year!
We had 64 participants, 32 members and 32 guests!
Here are just a few photos that I took early on in the day but Ann has many more which we will have for you to enjoy in the near future.
Thank you again for your generous team effort!
Have a safe and wonderful summer!

2018 Picnic


2018 Door Prizes
Door Prizes

2018 Picnic
Hook-In and Sharing under the Tents

Centennial Hall
2018 Picnic

2018 Picnic
BHCG 2018 Picnic at Centennial Hall

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