Claire Fradette / In the News

OHCG 2018 Annual Exhibition

Claire Fradette won the CraftOntario Affiliate Award!

Claire Fradette showing her diploma

We are so proud of our member Claire Fradette who won the Craft  Ontario Affiliate Award at the Ontario Hooking Craft Guild 2018 Annual Exhibition.

Craft Ontario is a not-for-profit service organization that works to have craft recognized as a valuable part of life. We promote and celebrate professional craft through providing member opportunities, and advocate for craft practice by educating and empowering diverse audiences.

Chosen and presented each year by our Affiliate Organization Members, the Craft Ontario Affiliate Awards help celebrate excellence in specific craft disciplines. Award criteria varies with each organization, but generally recognizes innovative use of materials or theme and best standards in quality and technique.

Congratulations Claire!

Rug hooekd by Claire Fradette

Claire Fradette

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