Rug Hooking is alive!

Arts Alive! Québec

By Dawna Matthew

This year’s Arts Alive! Québec event was held at St. John Fisher Junior School in Pointe Claire on Saturday, September 23 and Sunday, September 24. The guild participated on Saturday with a display of rugs, vending of our beautiful cards, promotion of our upcoming exhibition and beginners’ class. In the afternoon we offered a mini workshop where participants could hook simple designs which would be incorporated into greeting cards. As it turned out most of our workshop participants were quite young and the task may have been above them but willing mums lent their hands and everyone had fun and went away with a smile and a small piece of rug hooking in hand.

Dawna Mathew and Ti Seymour

Rug Hooking With Happy Kids

This little girl loved her owl (hooked by her mom)

Practicing Some Loops

Ti Helping The Kids

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