Arts Alive! Quebec 2017

CBC News - Events

Arts Alive! Quebec festival hits the West Island

Kid-friendly event takes place in Pointe-Claire Sept. 23-24

Posted: Aug 09, 2017 12:43 PM ET Last Updated: Sep 12, 2017 12:31 PM ET

arts alive
Live music is just one of the family-friendly activities the West Island Festival has to offer. (Guy Rodgers)

The Arts Alive! Quebec festival is wrapping up, but you still have one more chance to check it out. Described as a "moveable feast of music, theatre, dance, visual arts and film", the series is holding its last event at St. John Fisher Junior School in Pointe-Claire on Saturday, Sept. 23 and Sunday, Sept. 24. 
The free event takes place from 11 - 4 both days and offers a wide variety of activities to suit all ages.
From live music to interactive theatre to craft workshops to the ever-popular Teddy Bears' Picnic, it's a great way the spend an afternoon with the family. Special appearance by CBC Kids character Scout from Scout & the Gumboot Kids on Saturday, Sept. 23.

arts alive 2017
Get your picture taken with Scout from Scout and the Gumboot Kids.

All events take place at St. John Fisher Junior School, 87 Belmont Ave., Pointe Claire- 11 a.m. - 4 p.m.
Admission is free.

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