International Hook-In Day at Martintown

Martintown Wild and Woolly Rug Hookers Hook-In

Eastern Ontario with Beaconsfield Celebrate the International Day of Rug Hooking

By Laura Boszormeny & Dawna Matthew

Beaconsfield Hooking Crafters Guild & Martintown Wild and Woolly Rug Hookers

What a wonderful day! Beaconsfield Hooking Crafters came up with the idea of celebrating our craft with the rest of the hooking community on this special day for all rug hookers worldwide.
Martintown Wild and Woolly Rug Hookers provided the venue at the Martintown Community Centre, a central location north of Cornwall. The two branches huddled and organized a terrific day in Area One. There were 30 rug hookers in attendance, both male and female, young and old, with Rideau Valley Boots and Baskets, Prescott Hoops and Hooks and the 1000 Islanders represented as well. The meal was graciously provided by Martintown (4 different soups and rolls) and Beaconsfield (the sweet table), plus plenty of coffee and tea flowing all day to go along with the chatter.

New friends were made and longtime friendships rekindled. Newbies to experienced, the fun and laughter was shared- visiting, with not a lot of loops pulled but a varied and inspirational Show and Tell to keep us hooking afterward. Ideas were exchanged, help given, as well as two draws, a 50-50 and a hooking gift basket full of wool and other treasures.

Everyone went home with a warm, happy feeling that this should become an annual event in our area. There are already plans afoot for Monday, December 4, 2017, with Beaconsfield hosting. Thanks to our wonderful hosts this year and for starting a new tradition in Area 1.

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